613.634.7123 Princess Animal Hospital


17 September 2020
Older white and black dog looking at camera

At Princess Animal Hospital, we are devoted to less painful, less invasive spays and neuters.
We offer Laparoscopy as an option to traditional scalpel surgery, for less pain for your companion.
Laparoscopy involves the use of a fibre optic telescope and camera to visualize various areas within our patients. We use Laparoscopy to explore and perform surgical procedures, obtain biopsies within the abdominal cavity, and the bladder and to examine and obtain biopsies from within the nasal cavity. Abdominal surgery performed using this technology has been proven to be 66% less painful for your companion.
The most common and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgical procedure performed at our hospital is the laparoscopic spay. Laparoscopy is used in human medicine in virtually every instance where it can eliminate the need for open abdominal surgery. We are pleased to be among the first few clinics in Canada to offer the option of a laparoscopic spay to our clients.