Skin Care

Diagnosis and treatment of skin-related conditions that can cause discomfort, pain, and illness.

Your pet’s fur and skin can reveal a great deal about their health. Dermatology issues are among the most common reasons pet owners come to Princess Animal Hospital.

When it comes to skin-related issues, symptoms can be vast and start as minor and develop into a more pressing concern. Common indications include itching, dryness, redness, sores, scaling, shedding and hair loss, and behaviours such as excessive licking and scratching.

If you have ever noticed any of these symptoms in your furry family member or see a spot you aren’t sure about, it may be a good time to book an appointment at Princess Animal Hospital.

More than just scratching that itch, together, we can uncover the facts behind your pet’s fur and make sure they are happy and healthy. To schedule a visit, please give us a call at 613-634-7123.

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