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Check for Heartworm in Pets!
Time to Check for Heartworm Disease in your Pets!

Check for Heartworm in Pets!

It’s March—springtime is around the corner! Worms in your garden…and worms in your pet? Eeew! Hold on, let’s explain…

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Dental disease is the most common in pet
Dental disease is the most common disease in dogs & cats

Dental disease is the most common in pet

It’s that time of year again. Love, hugs and chocolate are on everyone’s mind. For your pet, the first two come out way on top! (Chocolate is a no-no, but you already knew that!)

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Keep your pet "moving and grooving"
Keep your pet “moving and grooving” – schedule their checkup today!

Keep your pet "moving and grooving"

Musculoskeletal diseases (conditions that involve bones, muscles, and joints) can affect pets of all ages.

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Dog Food Allergies vs Seasonal Allergies
Food Allergies vs. Seasonal Allergies in Dogs

Dog Food Allergies vs Seasonal Allergies

If your dog’s daily roll in the grass causes allergic reactions, such as excessive paw licking and rigorous belly scratching, it could actually be a food allergy.

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Is your pet’s heart pumping properly?
How can you tell if your pet’s heart is pumping properly?

Is your pet’s heart pumping properly?

You can smell their ear infection a mile away! You can feel the lumps and bumps on their skin. But what about their heart? How do you know if it is healthy?

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Foods that are Hazardous to Pets
Foods that are Hazardous to Pets – What you Need to Know!

Foods that are Hazardous to Pets

After just celebrating with turkey this past weekend, we thought it might be a good idea to share with you some foods that can be harmful.

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